The middle of our street
by Bernard Harbor

Kevin Callinan emphasised the need for enhanced social dialogue yesterday lunchtime, when Fórsa joined ICTU, Siptu, Friends of the Earth and TASC to launch the Just Transition Alliance to promote effective climate action without adverse impacts on jobs and communities.


Meanwhile, the Indo carries a strange piece, which reports that (unnamed) unions are opposed to the €1,000 Covid bonus due to go to frontline health staff.


And, as the Lancet finds that Ireland recorded one of the world's lowest Covid-related excess death rates during the pandemic, medical scientists are planning to close labs for 12 hours in a pay parity dispute. 


In economic news, inflation rose to 5.6% yesterday as accusations over petrol price-fixing smoldered. Meanwhile, the European Central Bank seems set on raising interest rates despite the near certainty of a war-induced downturn. 


Elsewhere, it was all high-fives at Shannon airport yesterday as Aer Lingus announced the resumption of transatlantic flights, hospital emergency department attendance soared this week, and the Times business pages reported on the momentum-gathering four-day week campaign.


On Tuesday (aka International Women's Day) BBC Radio 3's In Concert programme broadcast some beautiful works by sixteenth century composer Maddalena Cassalana, including madrigals not sung for over 400 years. The full concert is well worth a listen, but too long for a school day. So Zen brings you a little taste.



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