All roads lead to Kilkenny
by Róisín McKane

RTÉ covers the ballot of health and social care professionals that kicked off yesterday. Fórsa is also balloting HSE clerical and admin management grades in an ongoing dispute over recruitment.


An emergency motion will be tabled by the National Union of Journalists, SIPTU and Connect at the ICTU conference today, calling on the board of RTÉ to adhere to the core principles of public service broadcasting and to respect the rights of workers.


Free GP care for around 78,000 children aged six and seven is expected to be introduced from August. Read more on that here.


The Examiner reports that a significant cut to childcare costs, along with structural changes to the sector, will form part of October's budget.


The Cabinet will be told this morning that there has been a 70% fall in the number of International Protection applicants arriving into Ireland from so-called safe countries since November.


And finally, Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien is to update Cabinet about how emergency changes have prevented vulture funds from buying more than 30,000 homes in the last two years. The measure was introduced by Government following a public outcry after vulture funds snapped up new homes in Maynooth and Lucan.




Bill Withers brings us zen this morning, as we mark his birthday. Here's Lovely Day. 



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