Ballot to open following suspension of action at St Christopher’s disability services
by Niall Shanahan
The proposals state that St Christopher’s Services has apologised for the delay in payments to staff and the employer has committed to ensuring increments, in future, will be paid as they are due. 
The proposals state that St Christopher’s Services has apologised for the delay in payments to staff and the employer has committed to ensuring increments, in future, will be paid as they are due. 

Planned industrial action by Fórsa members at St Christopher’s in Longford, which was due to commence on 28th May, was suspended following a conciliation process at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC).

The conciliation took place on Thursday 23rd May, with both parties agreeing to recommend for acceptance a series of proposals designed to resolve the issue in dispute. Fórsa members had balloted in favour of industrial action in April due to the breach of a 2021 collective agreement around the payment of increments.

Fórsa official Tony Martin explained: “The issue in dispute is the breach of a collective agreement around the payment of increments.  

“The employer informed union members, at a meeting in March, that the HSE had requested that the payment of increments be suspended in 2024, until further notice, as the health body was unable to provide the necessary the funding.”

Following the ballot, Fórsa served notice of industrial action in early May. A week before the industrial action was due to commence the parties were invited to attend the WRC conciliation. The proposals will now be put to a ballot of Fórsa members at St Christopher's.

The proposals state that St Christopher’s services has apologised for the delay in payments to staff and the employer has committed to ensuring increments, in future, will be paid as they are due. 

The proposals also include a commitment from St Christopher’s to making “annual increment payments” for the period from 1st January 2024 to 30th April 2025. 

The proposals acknowledge that St Christopher’s can only make changes to pay when it is in receipt of funding from the HSE, while the health body has indicated that it cannot provide additional funding to St Christopher’s services until the National Agreement for Section 39 (community and voluntary health) agencies makes progress at the WRC, a process that is currently underway. 

The proposals also commits both parties to re-engage under the auspices of the WRC in November 2024 on the issue.

Planned industrial action by Fórsa members was subsequently suspended subject to the outcome of a ballot on the WRC proposals.

A ballot of members will commence on Monday 10th June and conclude on Friday 14th June.

A copy of the proposals is available HERE


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