SNA contract issues
How is the pay for part time hours calculated?
by Seán Carabini
If you have SNA contract issues you'd like to see covered in the bulletin, please contact Please include 'SNA contract issues for the news bulletin' in the subject heading.
If you have SNA contract issues you'd like to see covered in the bulletin, please contact Please include 'SNA contract issues for the news bulletin' in the subject heading.

We've received queries concerning SNAs who do not work full time hours and how their rate of pay should be calculated. Part time hours are calculated as a fraction of full time hours. However, is this a fraction of 32 hours or a fraction of the ‘bell to bell’ hours of a school?


There are two parts to this calculation. First, an SNA should know the bell to bell hours in a working week. Let’s say, for example, a school is open for 30 hours in a week and the SNA works for 15 hours. This means that the SNA works a 0.5 pattern and works half the bell to bell hours. In this case, the SNA gets paid half of the rate that a full time SNA would get.


The calculation is done in reference to the hours worked versus the bell to bell hours in a school. The calculation is NOT done on the basis of hours worked versus 32 hours.


This position in relation to 32 hours versus ‘bell to bell’ time has been clarified by the Department of Education.


SNA contract issues: archive


Since April we've been publishing a special segment focussing on contract issues facing SNAs. Devised and written by assistant general secretary Seán Carabini, It has proved to be one of the most popular items in the Education news bulletin. 


We've archived all of these items for ease of access, and will publish an updated archive in each future edition of the bulletin.


If you have SNA contract issues you'd like to see covered in the bulletin, please contact Please include 'SNA contract issues for the news bulletin' in the subject heading.

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