Fórsa to return to WRC in clerical admin dispute
by Hannah Deasy
Fórsa spoke out about the impact of the delay of the pay and numbers strategy in early May, stating that the recruitment embargo continues to extend waiting times and place more pressure on staff. 
Fórsa spoke out about the impact of the delay of the pay and numbers strategy in early May, stating that the recruitment embargo continues to extend waiting times and place more pressure on staff. 

Union representatives are set to return to the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) in relation to the ongoing clerical admin and managerial grades dispute, resulting from the HSE recruitment embargo. The parties previously reached agreement on Tuesday 6th February which clearly set out the requirement on both parties to engage and reach agreement on the finalisation of a framework agreement.  


Following a meeting of workplace representatives on Thursday 25th April Ashley Connolly, head of the health and welfare division, wrote to members acknowledging their frustration at the length of this dispute, the pressures they are facing, and reminding them that they are under no obligation to carry out the role or function of a vacant post.


In her letter Ashley said: “We understand the frustrations stemming from the prolonged recruitment pause. Since late last year, the HSE has repeatedly indicated that the publication of the pay and numbers strategy for 2024 would provide clarity, facilitate local recruitment, and guide decisions regarding post fillings at a local level.”


The letter reminded members that the HSE has accepted that staff are not required to take on the work of a vacant post in the WRC Agreement (6/2/24), which states:


“The HSE accept that staff are required to work their contracted hours only and discharge the functions of a post commensurate with their grading. Adhering to the principle of "one person, one job" the HSE agrees that staff are not required to take on the work of a vacant post(s) in addition to their own work. However, with consultation and agreement priority tasks may be allocated."  


The responsibility falls on the manager to carry out a process of consultation with members and / or union officials in relation to any tasks that may need to be allocated. 


Fórsa spoke out about the impact of the delay of the pay and numbers strategy in early May, stating that the recruitment embargo continues to extend waiting times and place more pressure on staff. 

Following these interventions, the parties will now return to the WRC.  Fórsa remains concerned that the HSE has failed to fulfil the terms as set out in the WRC proposal of 6th February 2024.


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