Job evaluation talks to reconvene in September
by Róisín McKane

Fórsa and the Local Government Management Agency (LGMA) will resume talks at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) on 16th September, to further engage on the implementation of a job evaluation scheme in the local authority sector. 

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Deadline extended for voluntary redundancy scheme for water workers 
by Róisín McKane

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage has extended the closing date for the voluntary redundancy scheme for local authority water services staff. This will now remain open until the 30th September 2024. 

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Local bargaining preparations underway
by Niall Shanahan

Fórsa has prepared its position paper, in advance of local bargaining negotiations, under the terms of the Public Service Agreement 2024 - 2026 (PSA).

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Labour Court recommendation due on IALPA/Aer Lingus dispute
by Niall Shanahan

The Labour Court is expected to issue a recommendation following this week’s special hearing on the pay dispute between the pilot body IALPA, a branch of Fórsa, and Aer Lingus.


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Time to extend domestic violence leave to ten days paid 
by Róisín McKane

Fórsa has called on the government to increase paid domestic violence leave to 10 days.

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New WRC report outlines future workplace challenges
by Brendan Kinsella

A recently released report from the University of Limerick’s Kemmy Business School explores the current and possible future impacts of several key developments affecting the Irish labour market.

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Also in this issue
A Fórsa first – marching together at Dublin Pride
by Brendan Kinsella
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EPSU Congress champions public control of essential services 
by James Redmond
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Skills Academy: What’s on offer over the summer?
by Hannah Deasy
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Pension reform law passes
by Hannah Deasy
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Your Fórsa bulletin is produced by the Fórsa Communications Unit, with input from across the union. We welcome your comments and suggestions for stories to cover.