More Power To You campaign calls on candidates to support public services
by Brendan Kinsella
“We’re calling on candidates to commit to measures that would increase local democracy and bring vital services back under the control of local authorities”.
“We’re calling on candidates to commit to measures that would increase local democracy and bring vital services back under the control of local authorities”.

Election posters went up around the country this week signalling that the local and European election campaigns are in full swing. 


As trade unionists, we want better local services and stronger local democracy in Ireland.  More Power to You is a coalition of Fórsa, SIPTU, and Connect, that advocates for improved local government, greater local services provision, and strengthened local democracy.


As we approach the local elections on Thursday 7th June, the campaign coalition has finalised a manifesto, calling on political parties and independent candidates to commit to actions in relation to five key pillars: Democracy, Waste, Water, Housing, Energy and Climate. The document will be released later this month.


Fórsa’s head of Local Government and Local Services and Municipal Employees Division Richy Carrothers said: “Local government is our greatest and most underused resource. It touches on every aspect of our daily lives and impacts upon everyone who lives in and works in Ireland.”


“We’re calling on candidates to commit to measures that would increase local democracy and bring vital services back under the control of local authorities”.


Ireland has among the lowest levels of local representation per capita and one of the weakest local governments in Europe. A recent European Commission assessment of local government places Ireland at the bottom of the local autonomy index for the European Union, ahead of only Cyprus and Malta. 


Speaking about the document, Fórsa’s head of campaigns Grace Williams said: “Strengthening local government is a critical way to empower citizens to play a more direct role in shaping our communities and tackling the issues that are important to them.”


“This campaign, and implementing its asks, would help to reclaim the trust in our institutions of government that significantly eroded during the financial crisis, by giving power back to those who live in communities.”


There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.

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