Fórsa’s elected national executive met yesterday (Thursday) and voted overwhelmingly to recommend the public service pay package proposed by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) earlier this week.
Your Fórsa bulletin is produced by the Fórsa Communications Unit, with input from across the union. We welcome your comments and suggestions for stories to cover.
Health service clerical, administrative and management staff are among the workers set to receive a 1% pay adjustment with effect from 1st February 2022.
Fórsa, and other health unions are seeking an urgent meeting with the health department to address the failure to pay the pandemic special recognition payment to staff in section 39 agencies, the children’s agency Tusla and other areas.
Hundreds of members and supporters gathered in Galway last Saturday (27th August) for Fórsa ’s Fund Us Fairly, Pay Us Right rally, which called for pay fairness for social care professionals who deliver disability, homeless and other care services in Galway's community and voluntary sector.
The HSE has teamed up with the Irish Hospice Foundation to launch a new campaign to support healthcare workers struggling with bereavement, grief and loss.
Fórsa has called for an urgent Government commitment to a referendum on the right to housing, with a firm date for voting, in its latest submission on the issue.
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) has called on the Government to increase the national minimum wage from €10.50 to €12 per hour in this month’s budget.