Find out more about what's happening at Conference
by Hannah Deasy

Keynote speeches will be given by a range of leading trade unionists and guests including Esther Lynch, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), Phil Ni Sheaghdha, Vice President, Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) Owen Reidy, General Secretary of ICTU and Dr Jilan Wahba Abdalmajid, Palestinian Ambassador to Ireland. 


Delegates will be invited to attend a diverse range of fringe meetings across Thursday and Friday. Among the fringe meetings taking place, there will be sessions on:


  • Have you joined your union yet? Key recruitment lessons
  • High Density - High participation organising
  • Justice for Colombia and the fight for trade union freedom
  • Countering extremism
  • The Skills Academy mentoring programme launch
  • Irish Beekeepers Association: responding to the infestation of the Asian hornet. 

All fringe meetings will take place in The Brehon Hotel. 

The Fórsa Skills Academy will also launch their training calendar for September 2024 - August 2025 at Conference, copies will be available at their stand so be sure to pick one up.

We will also celebrate our members' achievements by presenting Distinguished Service Awards, a Lifetime Achievement award, and for the first time ever, National Members’ Awards.

You’ll find exhibitor stands in the Mangerton Suite, right next to where you register. Over the course of conference, be sure to call in over the next three days, to visit a wide range of exhibitors both from the union and companies we work with, as well as local community charities, and businesses.


There is a map of the conference venue available here.

All conference documents can be viewed on our website hub here.

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