The Brexit Tackle
by Niall Shanahan

Today's news includes continuing coverage of the INMO and Siptu's dispute with the HSE over Ballyshannon Community Hospital, as Donegal Live reports that INMO members are balloting on proposals that could see the new hospital operational within the week. 


There's regional coverage of yesterday's launch of the Better In A Trade Union campaign in the Connaught Telegraph and Donegal News, and national coverage via the RTÉ website.


Elsewhere, postgraduate researchers staged protests at a number of universitiesyesterday as part of an ongoing campaign for improved pay and conditions along with recognition as workers rather than students. 




Your Zen this morning is, apparently, a bit of a school football craze across the way. The 'Brexit Tackle' is a tackle that doesn’t get the ball and only takes out the player. Lola Okolosie writes that the kids' "playful satire draws on the overt aggression of our Punch and Judy politics" and remarks "Wouldn’t it be nice to have politicians whose shallowness and hypocrisy aren’t so easily mocked by 10-year-olds?" Quite. 


Have a great day.




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