Duck Soup
by Niall Shanahan

IALPA president Mark Tighe spoke to Newstalk Breakfast yesterday about the pilots ballot for industrial action and IALPA's pay claim, playback is available via Spotify.


IALPA is to send out a communication to its members at 9am this morning, as media outlets report that the latest round of talks broke up last night "without any “meaningful progress” being made, ahead of possible strike action this summer." The Indo reports that holiday makers have been urged to "stay calm." 


Elsewhere, Pat Kenny's programme on Newstalk yesterday took a closer look at the impact of pay disparity in Section 39 agencies, the effects on recruitment and retention of staff and the effect on service users. Fórsa contributes to the report by Josh Crosbie. Playback via Spotify.


ICTU's excellent seminar on the future of collective bargaining, which took place in Dublin yesterday, heard that the failure of the European Union, national governments and employers to improve the lot of ordinary workers has helped fuel the rise of the far right across Europe. Dennis Radtke, a German Christian Democratic Union MEP, told the seminar that millions of German workers, particularly in the former east, had backed the right-wing AfD because they believed the political and economic establishment had failed them. 




Your Zen moment this morning is a tale of feeding the scale.


Have a great weekend.





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