Which Guy?
by Niall Shanahan

Our mid west colleague Mike McNamara is quoted in today's Examiner, in Niamh Griffin's coverage of the decision to repurpose a new nursing home facility in Nenagh into a step-down facility to reduce overcrowding at UHL. Mike is also quoted in a piece about the same issue in this week's IRN. 


New ESRI research finds that Irish people support immigration, while the UNWRA has warned that hunger is to become the biggest cause of fatalities in Gaza.


Elsewhere, Martin Wall reports that the new public service pay agreement seems set to be ratified by the PSC on Monday following yesterday's endorsement by Siptu members


RTÉ reports that European Union leaders will today (Friday) back a slightly tighter fiscal policy for the euro zone next year, "to help bring down inflation and make public finance more stable after the excess spending of the Covid pandemic and the energy price crisis."




Your moment of Zen today is something by the legendary Bothy Band to set you up for your weekend.


Have a good one.




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